Send us an
email if you would like to have a copy of FreeTools! We will send you a
download link.
FREE to Owners of GRAMS/AI (Versions
6, 7, 8)
3 Applications from RazorTools/6:
LUC - Classic Maximum Likelihood Deconvolution
EDG - Easy one-click baseline removal.
PIC - Pick peaks. Setup peaks for Peak Fitting
Dear Spectroscopists:
We have spent many years using Bayesian, Maximum
Likelihood and Maximum
Entropy principles to develop mathematically defensible
and proven algorithms for those
day-to-day tasks all spectroscopists encounter -
smoothing, baseline removal, peak
finding and deconvolution. If you use
GRAMS/AI Versions 6, 7 or 8, we offer
you three of these functions - free of charge.
After you receive a download link from us,
download your copy of
FreeTools, run the installation program. Refer to the installation
instructions below.
Best wishes,
Lin DeNoyer
Jack Dodd

Installation Instructions
After you receive a download link, follow these steps:
1. Download the FreeTools installation file,
FreeTools.exe, into a (temporary) directory on your hard drive.
2. Run FreeTools.exe. During
installation, you will be asked for an installation directory, Choose the
directory that contains your GRAMS/32 (G50.exe) program. Usually, this is
the C:\Program Files\Galactic directory.
3. FreeTools installs AB programs into your
CertifiedApps directory. These programs run in the same manner as all AB
programs. Run Razor.ab to access the RazorTools manual.
4. Print a copy of the Rapid Reference Card for
more assistance.